Working with images

Images are represented in HTML documents by IMG elements. These elements have no content, just a URL pointing to the image file. The most common image format on the Web is the GIF format; all Web browsers, with the exception of line-mode browsers, can display images in this format inline, in the document window. Other formats are normally displayed by launching external applications. HoTMetaL follows the same approach.

This chapter also gives information on creating clickable image maps.

Inserting images

To insert an image:

(Since the IMG element can't have any content, you won't be able to insert it if the document contains a selection.)

HoTMetaL displays the Edit Image dialog box when you insert the image.


The Image File text entry box in this dialog box is for entering the URL for the image. This information is required. You can type the URL directly into the text entry box if you want, or click on the [ Edit...] button. This will give you a dialog box that is almost identical to the Edit URL dialog box. The only difference is that it doesn't have the `Name/ Query' control group, as this information does not apply to images.

The Alternate Text text entry box is for entering some text that will be displayed if the document is being read with a line-mode browser, which can't display images. Even though this information is not required, it is good HTML style to include it for the benefit of users without graphical browsers.

The default alignment for images is `bottom', meaning that the bottom of the image will be on the baseline of the adjacent text. Setting the alignment to `middle' or `top' will move the baseline of the text accordingly.

If you intend for this image to be used as a clickable image map turn on the ISMAP check box.

Displaying inline images

If the URL of an IMG element refers to a GIF file on your local system, HoTMetaL will normally display it in place in your document.

You can use the Preferences... command to choose whether such images should be displayed in place or not. This choice will then apply by default to all HoTMetaL documents. You can override the Preferences... setting for individual documents using Show/Hide Inline Images in the View menu. If you don't want images to be displayed in the document, choose Hide Inline Images. The command will then toggle to Show Inline Images: if you choose this command, HoTMetaL will resume displaying inline images.

Displaying images with an external viewer

To launch an external viewer to display a graphic referred to by an IMG element:

If you have never chosen a viewer for showing graphics, you will get a file chooser dialog box in which to locate and choose one. Once one or more viewers have been chosen, you'll get a dialog box containing a list of viewers.

If you want to add a viewer to the list:

To delete a viewer from the list:

Show Image can be used only for viewing files that are on your local filesystem. Unlike a browser, HoTMetaL does not follow URLs to retrieve files on remote servers.

Using this mechanism, you can display files of any type for which you have a graphics viewer.

Image maps

Image maps (or clickable image maps) are images, usually in GIF format, that have been divided into regions; clicking in a region in a browser causes an action to occur. Usually the action involves the server retrieving a file, which the browser displays.

There are several types of Web server available, and they don't all deal with image maps in exactly the same way. For this reason, the instructions given here may not work for your server. The following discussion is based on the Unix NCSA httpd server; with the exception of the instructions in the section Informing the server, the instructions here should apply to all servers. You should consult your server's documentation or a knowledgeable person if you're unsure whether something applies to your situation.

Creating image map files

An image map file is a file that tells the server what to do when someone clicks in an image map. In this file you put the coordinates of the regions in the image that you want to map, and the URLs that you want the server to access for each region.


Here is a sample of an image map file (the URLs in this example don't refer to real files, so please don't try to use them!):

circle 10,25 10,30
rect 10,15 20,10
poly 15,20 20,25 25,20

Notice the following about the sample file:

  1. The first line, starting with the word `default', specifies the action that should take place if someone clicks in a part of the image map that isn't mapped to anything. This URL should refer to a file that tells the user to try again.
  2. The other lines each specify the type of region that's being mapped, then the URL that's accessed when you click on the region, and lastly the coordinates of the region.
  3. You can define three kinds of regions in an image map: All coordinates are measured in pixels. The origin-the point (0,0)-is at the upper left corner of the image. x values (the first number in the coordinate pair) increase as you go to the right, and y values (the second number) increase as you go down.

Creating the file

The most time-consuming part of preparing an image map is figuring out the coordinates of the different regions. There are two kinds of programs you can use to do this:

If two or more entries in the image map file happen to include the same part of the image, then the first such entry in the image map file is the one that the server uses to determine what action to take.

Informing the server

Once you've created the image map file, you need to tell the server where it is. If you're using the Unix NCSA httpd server, you would do this by making an entry in the file imagemap.conf in the conf directory on the server. (You'll have to find out from a local administrator where the server directory is located.) If you're using a different server, the filenames given in this section may not be correct: you should consult the server documentation or talk to an administrator.

The imagemap.conf file consists of entries that associate a symbolic name with every image map file known to your server. One line describes each map. You can choose whatever symbolic name you wish to use. In this example, the symbolic name is brundlefly, and the image map file is in /home/rodney/public_html/ You should put the following line in the imagemap.conf file:

brundlefly:		/home/rodney/public_html/

If someone else is administering the server, you may not be able to update this file yourself. You'll still have to choose a symbolic name for your image map file, because this name is used in the next step.

`Anchoring' the image map file to your image

The final thing you have to do is use HoTMetaL to add the markup (an A element) that associates the image map file with the GIF image that you want to display.

In order to understand what's going on here you have to know that there is a program called imagemap on the server, which reads your image map file whenever someone clicks on the image. The browser sends the program the coordinates of the point that was clicked on. The imagemap program determines which region in the image was clicked on, and on the basis of this, tells the server which URL to access.

You use a URL to associate the image map file with your image. This URL tells the server two things:

A typical location for the imagemap program is the cgi-bin directory on the server. In this case, the URL (in an A element) would look something like this:

(Here `brundlefly' may look like a filename, but it's actually the symbolic name of the image map file).

After you insert the A element, you should do the following:

Testing your image map

To see if what you did worked: